I would have been in Vegas..
It’s a new year around the sun for me and I’m so glad to feel the sunshine!! I have great expectations for me in every area of my life. One of my gifts to myself is truly focusing on realizing my visions. That means not posting every other news story regarding the (negative) state of affairs the world is in, and being more selective of who I engage with. The mindsets some folks have are so stuck on certain channels that my attempt in getting them to see from a different vantage point is beyond my energy allowance.
So my energy needs to be on me. Starting with my health.

What's really going on?
Something in my body has just been weird. Equally distributing my weight on my feet hasn’t been comfortable for some time now. Thankfully, my Soror and church member is one of Atlanta’s top podiatrists and noticed me limping after one Sunday service. She saw the swelling in my left ankle and encouraged me to come to her office for an examination. She gave me a shot! Yikes!! If you know me, you know how much I haaatttttteeeeee shots. I get the heebie jeebies just looking at needles. That’s if I’m not hysterically crying at the thought that some pointy instrument is going to puncture my skin. But, I had a shot in 2019. Fast forward to August 2020, I still can’t put my full weight on both feet without pain. I returned to her office, and the focus is now on my right foot. The culprit is an overgrown bone, and it’s shifting everything. How does an overgrown foot bone happen…to me?! It’s ridiculous. She tells me I’ll have to have surgery to correct it. Oy vey. Then there’s this situation with my eyes…

I wear glasses, but why can't I see right?
For some reason, my eyes are not wanting to live their best life. For me, having a bottle of eye drops within reach is a requirement. It feels like there’s always something in my eye! But it wasn’t. So I would *drop* *drop* *drop* some liquid in my eye. It’s been like that for yearsssss. I knew I needed help beyond a regular eye exam when suddenly I had severe pain, and when I looked in the mirror, my eye is swollen! Like a being from the astral plane has some serious beef with me and punched me!!! Sent a photo text to my eye doctor…sidebar…it’s REALLY helpful to be friends with physicians…and she immediately put me on antibiotics. Then here comes this white film I see through….And. I. Can’t. Blink. It. Away!!! ARGHHHH!!!! **Seriously, I had a hearty scream** So, she tells me some extensive tests need to be performed. Well, I now know what it is! I have been diagnosed with dry eye disease and meibomian gland dysfunction. Basically, my body decided to not want to produce the material to properly coat my eyes. I have permanent damage to both eyes and will begin the 1st of a series of treatments tomorrow, Friday, August 28, 2020.

More issues???
So my body is clearly not happy with whatever I’m doing, because I’m also having allergic reactions to **SOMETHING** I have no clue of. I’ve been at medical facilities for things physicians have yet to identify what the source is. I’ve spent a grip of money paying for tests. Heart tests. Vein tests. Skin tests. Ear tests. My mom and therapist believe it’s all stress-related. And it could be. I don’t know. But what I do know is that how I’ve been operating, it’s not working. So, maybe moving towards living in a peaceful space is where I need to be. And working on art projects full time is bliss. Which I suddenly have one to direct…

Someone likes me!
Besides the challenges 2020 has presented, I am also experiencing some very positive things! I have opened my virtual office as an IRS ERO! Working with numbers has always been a happy place, and I’m filing taxes again! Someone recommended me to be featured for Voyage ATL, and I’ve been asked to be a finals judge for the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival, and I’m directing a virtual show for the University of Central Missouri Theatre and Dance Department! There’s more good news, so maybe I’ll save that for some other blog post. I began yesterday’s meeting getting to know the production team and watching auditions. I feel so dag-gone good about this artistic challenge I’m on. I know something worthwhile will come out of it. Oh, there’s my feature film that’s still in the works…

I want to be back on set!
For the past few years, I’ve been teaching theatre arts to elementary students at Lamar Reese Magnet school of the Arts. It has been an unexpected turn of events to work full time in a school. In fact, had someone told me when I worked in New York or Los Angeles that I would be working in the capacity I’m in, I would have given a hearty laugh! Seriously, no way had I intended to work with children…But I guess whoever has been trying to get my attention from the astral plane…maybe the same being that sucker punched me in the eye last month…is informing me that a new path is being created for me. I needed to learn something on my journey. And I most definitely have!!! I’m grateful for the experience. Turning to my artistic baby that was started almost a decade ago…I’ve been purchasing the necessary equipment to make my feature-length film, “The Delilah Factor” happen. And I’m now certified to be a COVID-19 Compliance Officer for music videos, commercial, television, and film production sets. As a producer, I want to be ready when principal photography begins. **No sickness on my set** I have an awesome team of cast and crew. The message from that project will be felt. **I’m living more on the “Speak Your Affirmations” plane, so I know it will happen. Plus, it’s like the voices of the characters in this story are tired of only living in a script and now want to be on a screen. It’s been my hope to make this dream of mine come true, so I pray I’m on the right street I need to be on and get to that destination.
Let me know if you want to work with me. Particulary if you want to organize the artists…maybe, we can realize some artistic dreams together 🙂
Happy 40th birthday!!! My wife also turned 40 this year as well….I said honey look at it this way, you simply turned 20 again, she smiled…we also celebrated 23 years of marriage on August 2nd. Enjoy your special day!!
I like the idea of turning 20 again! Maybe I can make better choices this time around 🙂